What we do

There are no geographical borders when it comes to the dream of complete waterproofing.

TurboSheet GTR 1000
  • TurboSheet GTR 1000 1번 상세이미지 썸네일
  • TurboSheet GTR 1000 2번 상세이미지 썸네일
  • TurboSheet GTR 1000 3번 상세이미지 썸네일
  • TurboSheet GTR 1000 4번 상세이미지 썸네일

TurboSheet GTR 1000

Self-adhesive waterproofing membrane which integrates an eco-friendly, high adhesiveness made from recycled rubber gel with HDPE film.

Size 1M *20M

THK 1.5

A highly adhesive, flexible, attachatable waterproofing material [Uses Polymer Rubber Gel].

An excellent structure response with high tensile strength and elongation [KS F 4934]

No heat-welding required; attachable by putting the two adhesive sides of the sheet together.

Prevents sheet detachment/separation with its strong adhesiveness.

Stable at high temperature [up to 60℃]

Excellent VOCs safety

Type / Purpose and Features
  • Architecture : Structures including rooftops, underground parking, etc.
  • Civil engineering : Underground structures including railways, power plants, sewage treatments, utility tunnels, and underground roads
  • Size 1M *20M
  • THK 1.5
Product Characteristics
국토교통부 공동구 표준 시방서

Turbo Sheet GTR 1000 realized standard specification

on the substrate behavior of more than 10mm mentioned in “Waterproof materials and method performance evaluation on utility tunnels” of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
Passed high-, room- and low-temperature test on repetition of movement for more than 300 times!

Selected after passing Incheon International Airports waterproofing standard of movement of 5 mm in 2005.
-> The standard is currently revised to 10 mm due to continuous problems.

국내 방수업계 최초

Heterogeneous materials compatibility

Forms a stable waterproof layer regardless of the base type and status using high adhesiveness and flexibility gel-type waterproofing materials

Product Characteristics
Test Category Unit Quality Standard Test Method
Tensile performance Tensile strength N/mm ≥5.0 KS F 4917
Elongation % ≥15
Tearing performance N ≥20
Resist Cave-In Test - Acceptable KS F 4934


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